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Hungarian inventions that changed our lives – Part III

Despite being a small country, Hungary has had some brilliant scientists, who developed life-changing inventions. Many of these creations, you may not know, are coming from this part of the world, such as the ballpoint pen, the modern computer and the Vitamin C.

If you are reading this article in your computer it is because of the Hungarian mathematician, John von Neumann, who created the Von Neumann architecture or Princeton architecture the basic principle of computer design in 1945. Thus the Von Neumann architecture is known as the ancestor of the laptop and the desktop, hence Neumann is considered as the father of modern computer.

Hungarians also conquered the air by inventing the helicopter. The machine, Oszkár Asbóth, Hungarian aviation engineer created used stacked counter rotating propellers, which managed to take off in 1928. However, the prototype had in flight stability issues, which Asbóth has not managed to solve.
Eugene P. Wigner was a physicist and mathematician who won the Nobel Prize in 1963 for his contributions to the theory of atomic nuclei and elementary particles through fundamental symmetry principles. Within his recognized inventions are the first atomic reactor, the first water cooled nuclear reactors and the creation of plutonium production. The majority of the power plants in the world are still working under his concept. He is considered the world’s first nuclear reactor engineer.

Dennis Gabor is considered as the father of holography and his invention made him win the Nobel Prize in physics in 1971. Gabor was interested in improving the resolution of the electron microscope. During this process he discovered a photographic technique that results in a three dimensional image, which he called a hologram.

We hope that you enjoyed our series, the previous articles are aviable here:

Hungarian inventions that changed our lives - Part I

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Hungarian inventions that changed our lives - Part II

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