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Brand new tasting menu, with actress Eszter Ónodi – Madhouse

Spring is here and nothing shows this more than the chirping birds and the budding trees out there.

Just like nature, Madhouse is blooming as well, since we have a brand new tasting menu, with actress Eszter Ónodi.

The new tasting menu is refreshing not only because of the bright colors of spring, but also in its composition, since now the focus is on health and mostly plant based ingredients.

The dishes are changing constantly as the time goes by and nature awakens.

And if it’s Eszter Ónodi, of course there is something theater related.

During our collaboration with Eszter, we are in close cooperation with Katona József Theater and Budapest Park.

Among the guests who try the tasting menu, we will draw 2 x 2 tickets for the Csinibaba dance and song festival, which will be held on the 23rd of May in Budapest Park.



KOHLRABI VELOUTE, MARINATED TROUT(available in vegan version)



As with all collaborations 10% of the income will be used for charity. This time the money goes for KIKAPCS foundation.

For reservation: https://reservation.dish

Madhouse Budapest Bistro & Craft Beer Bar

1061 Budapest, Anker köz 1-3

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